Jessica vs Elizabeth – Chapter 13
Dove continues to NaNo. The tributes receive sponsorship gifts.
Continue reading(Mostly) Dove's NaNoWriMo site, now with added JC!
National Novel Writing Month.
Dove continues to NaNo. The tributes receive sponsorship gifts.
Continue readingDove continues to NaNo. The tributes separate in an attempt to save themselves.
Continue readingDove continues to NaNo. The Hunger Games start. There are deaths.
Continue readingDove continues to NaNo, this time with a really long chapter of pre-Hunger Games interviews, hosted by Beau Dillon and Johnny Buck!
Continue readingDove continues to NaNoWriMo. The tributes get made over before their live interviews. And there’s fisticuffs.
Continue readingChapter 7 of #JessicaVsElizabeth, Dove’s #NaNoWriMo effort. Elizabeth continues to be terrifying. And everyone else continues to be terrified.
Continue readingDove continues to NaNo. The tributes go to a training day, cunning plans are suggested and ignored.
Continue readingDove continues to #NaNoWriMo. The tributes have been picked. How is everyone dealing with this? You might guess “not well” is the answer. You’d be right.
Continue readingDove continues to word vomit for NaNoWriMo. The Hunger Games tributes are announced. Who will be on there? Do they have a hope in hell against Jessica? (No, they don’t. They need your sponsorship. Sponsorship = leave a comment, not money.)
Continue readingDove desperately tries to complete NaNoWriMo. The twins will be entering into The Hunger Games. Who will survive? Will you sponsor a tribute? (Yes, you will. I need you to. Comments are the only currency required.)
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