Jessica vs Elizabeth – Chapter 5
Dove continues to #NaNoWriMo. The tributes have been picked. How is everyone dealing with this? You might guess “not well” is the answer. You’d be right.
Continue reading(Mostly) Dove's NaNoWriMo site, now with added JC!
Irritating older brother of the twins. His personality bounces wildly between wise protective big brother and colossal asshat.
Dove continues to #NaNoWriMo. The tributes have been picked. How is everyone dealing with this? You might guess “not well” is the answer. You’d be right.
Continue readingDove continues to word vomit for NaNoWriMo. The Hunger Games tributes are announced. Who will be on there? Do they have a hope in hell against Jessica? (No, they don’t. They need your sponsorship. Sponsorship = leave a comment, not money.)
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